Construction and Feature - Location of Use: Sub-Distribution Boards
- Mode of Protection: L-N, N-PE
- Surge Ratings: In = 20kA(8/20μs)
- IEC/EN/UL Category: Class I+II / Type 1+2
- Protective Elements: High Energy MOV and GDT
- Housing: Pluggable Design
- Compliance: IEC 61643-11:2011 / EN 61643-11:2012
Surge protective device connected in parallel features a high impedance. In other words, the sum of the series impedance is equal to the impedance of one surge protective device. Once the transient overvoltage appears within the system, the device's impedance decreases, so surge current is driven through the surge protective device, bypassing the sensitive equipment. That is to protect equipment against overvoltage transients and disturbances, such as voltage spikes and electrical surges, frequency variations, and over-voltages caused by switching operations or lightning. When a user installs a surge strip or a surge protective device into a power line coming from a power utility that includes smoothing capacitors, surge suppressors are not necessary because these capacitors already protect from sudden changes in voltage level.